History of Music is Therapy

The founder of Music is Therapy is Tatum Lynn, a 19-year-old pop artist that started Music is Therapy when she was just 15.  As a volunteer in her junior high school working with special needs children she saw how the kids smiled and became more interactive when they listened and danced to music.  It was from that point she wanted to help more kids to have this experience. 


Tatum quickly learned that many organizations recognized  the need but did not have the funding for music therapy.   With her family assistance she was able to create Music is Therapy, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit company.  Tatum Lynn and her family pay for all the administrative costs to run the non profit so 100% of every dollar received goes to buy instruments and pay for licensed music therapist. 


To expand Music is Therapy Tatum is reaching out to other Artist around the country to enlist there help to raise money through Music is Therapy to assist organizations in their community.
